Client Reviews:

“You don't realize how much you need a doula until you've gone through the birth experience with a doula. Having Hanna by ourside was instrumental in feeling empowered to have the birth we wanted. We're looking forward to having her with us for our future births!”.

— Christe & Nic Marshall

“Jessica ended up staying with me for over 24 hours straight. I will never forget her dedication to seeing me and my baby through our long labor and delivery, her support and guidance through all of our tough decisions, and her ability to lighten up difficult times. She even went the extra mile and continued to follow up with me through my postpartum days to see how I was doing and offer tons of encouragement. If you're looking for a doula that's passionate about what she does I don't know how my husband and I would've made it through without Jessica's help.”

— Taylor Heckaman

“I cannot recommend Jessica enough! She was amazing support for Jake and I. Doulas are worth their weight in GOLD!”

— Brianna & Jake Gilmore

“Hanna was an incredible comfort during my labor and delivery and a huge reason that I had such a great birth experience. She was a calming presence during the whole process and pushed me when I needed it. My labor was not progressing quickly enough, so Hanna jumped right in and started to do exercises and different things with me to help my labor progress. Although in the moment some of the exercises were difficult, it worked perfectly, and my body quickly progressed and I was able to have the birth experience I wanted by having my baby at the birth center.

— Andrew & Annika Johnson

“Jessica was so supportive of me and my husband even though we had a scheduled C-Section for my breech baby. She was very positive and encouraging during the whole encounter-from the pre-op, to the birth, to postpartum- she was just amazing! I would highly recommend Jessica to be your doula! No matter the way of delivery, she will be there to encourage you, empower you, and help you have the positive birth story you want and you deserve!”

— Destiny & Alexander Jogthong